Currently, Adam's most interesting feature is the "structure" that is forming from my blood. It is suspended within the semen and has attached to the globule of mucus. The blood also has either enveloped or dissolved the hair and its root, because I can no longer see it. The blood appears to be clotted and congealed underneath the semen, which has started to change color. I don't know if the semen is beginning to mix with the blood or if it's just getting old and turning yellow. Either way, what was once a heterogeneous mixture of clear/cloudy semen and red blood has become a partially homogenized substance of a translucent, yellowing liquid and a congealed mass suspended in its center.
Other than these small details, there isn't much to report. The volume of the mixture has been the same for a while and it doesn't appear that anything has been lost to evaporation. Within the coming days, if nothing seems to change significantly, I will most likely begin adding a new substance into the mixture. I am favoring ear wax, because it's easy to collect and seems to be the most salubrious substance, having several properties that I think would be beneficial to Adam's development.
I don't exactly know what kind of change I should look for or when I should expect to see it. I simply know that the likelihood of nothing changing significantly within the mixture in the near future is considerable. I'm certainly not going to make any hasty decisions or rash changes, but if I think that something will trigger a change in Adam, which will eventually lead to growth, I'll add it to the current list of procedures/substances.
As always, if there's anything that you would like to suggest I add or change about this experiment, feel free to do so. Additionally, if there's anything that you know about biology/chemistry and think that I too should know it, please share whatever knowledge and insight you've got with me.
I wonder what effect ear wax will have on your project. Seeing whatever is growing will most likely be simple, ear wax MAY damage it.
It's almost a waste product as described in the Antibacterial and Anti fungal paragraph and has the possibility to negatively affect whatever may be growing. :[
I'll comment back if I can think of an alternative.
Well, I've already discussed why I think it would be beneficial in this post:
Unless someone convinces me otherwise, or suggests something else, I'm going to begin adding ear wax into the mixture regularly on Monday.
Water is the crucible of all life. Life simply can not survive without it! But you can not necessarily extract water from yourself, can you?
A viable alternative would be to add sweat.
It is mostly made up of water, and also contains some other trace minerals that make up a human body. If you could find a way to extract a lot of sweat from yourself, then I would highly recommend this option.
I would also recommend that you add the earwax as well, should you decide to add the sweat.
I"m definitely going to add the ear wax within the next few days and I may start adding sweat after that.
The only problem with sweat is that it's not exactly easy to harvest, is it?
And I think that any sweat that I do collect will be quit dirty.
wow i never thought about sweat. that would be interesting but you're right it probably would be dirty.
ever thought of tears? i dont know if that would be any easier then sweat but it might be worth a try.
I did actually think of using tears, because I figured that they're quite similar to sweat and easier to collect.
It would be hard to get any sort of a significant volume of tears, though. And I wouldn't want to hold Adam that close to my face.
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