It's hard to believe that Adam has existed for over two months now. His second month went by so quickly and yielded practically no changes, when compared with the first. If I were to describe Adam's current state, it would practically be a facsimile of the last update posted here. The mixture in Adam's jar is still opaque, viscous, and homogenized. The only minor change that has occurred over the last month is that the crystalline crust seems to have dissolved and the oil spots on Adam's surface aren't as apparent as they once were. I'm certainly not disappointed with Adam's progress or lack thereof, because I do think that, sooner or later, changes will become more apparent.
Something that I've been thinking about doing since the very beginning of this project is creating additional specimens like Adam. Once I decided that I didn't want to tinker around with what I would put into Adam, I considered that I would just follow the same procedures but with different substances
Adam II is contained within a jar that has been cleaned and, at one time, housed a spider. There's a small smudge on the inside of the jar, which I'm assuming is some kind of waste/residue that the spider left behind, because nothing else has been inside the jar after it was cleaned. Currently, Adam II is comprised of dead blood and pus, which are the contents of an infected hair follicle, and scrapings from my tongue mixed with saliva. Since pus is probably the only thing harder to harvest than se
As far as predictions go, I don't really expect to see Adam II develop much faster than his predecessor. Of course, I'm mainly saying this to circumvent disappointment. I'd like to believe that Adam II's bacteria-
With history as an indicator, Adam II's beginnings should be full of changes, so updates may be coming frequently once again, as progress occurs.
Welcome back, and happy 2nd month Adam! And welcome to the world Adam II. I agree with your theory of Adam II's faster development, and am looking forward to this new mixture and materials. Are you going to be sticking with things from your body only with Adam II as well, or will you add things such as dirt, as preceded by that smudge? Looking forward to updates
Adam II is an AIDS ridden gayfag.
Justin - I really don't know what the smudge is and I can't think of a decent way to find out what it could be. At any rate, I think I'll be sticking with things that come from my body still, I'm just not going to be as careful with Adam II as I am with Adam, in terms of keeping bacteria out of the environment.
And yes, Adam II is an aids ridden gayfag. I like to think of Adam II as Adam gone wrong but it could end up being right for yielding conclusive results.
Awesome, i was waiting for a "trial" Adam, and you've supplied us with new content. Adam II seems like it will bring up a lot of new stuff into this... project if i may call it, and it gives us more things to look forward to, which is great. I do hope, though, that you could consider an Adam III, for adding outside bacterium or something like (if you want). It might be too soon to think about that, but i just wanted to throw out a little thought of my own.
Hope Adam will progress soon, and hope that Adam II will bring up new things in the near future.
I'm definitely going to make an Adam III, I've got another identical jar to use, I'm just not sure what he should be made of.
And as for adding things that don't originate from my body, I'm still lukewarm on the idea. If I'm going to add outside materials to a specimen, I could just put some bread in a jar, grow mold, and call the experiment a success. I know that's not what you're suggesting, it just feels almost like cheating to me.
Get an actual human egg, and add semen to it. I'm sure that will result in something.
Try adding sunlight to the mix, or heat.
Actually, I'm pretty sure that nothing would happen. At least, not what you think would happen. There's so much wrong with what you suggested that it's not even worth explaining why it wouldn't work. Granted, there's plenty wrong with what I'm doing, but I gave up on actually trying to create a human after the first 5 minutes of the project.
Heat is a decent idea and something I'll definitely try to implement in the future. The sunlight, on the other hand, I'm not too sure about. I think that would do more harm than good.
direct sunlight will probably dry out the solution, however UV light is a nessecary part of life for most creatures on earth, perhaps adam could be introduced to it in small doses?
I certainly don't keep either specimen in the dark or in direct sunlight.
They're exposed to lots of indirect sunlight and artificial light, so I don't really worry about them overheating/drying up or being deprived of light.
Two things.
A: How hard is it to harvest semen?
B: So much for the possible frequent updates, huh?
It's pretty hard to harvest semen, considering what goes into producing/collecting it and the average rate of production for semen.
As I've said before, I'm only going to update when there's something worth mentioning and, so far, there hasn't been. Everything is the same, more or less. At least, nothing has changed enough to constitute a detailed update.
I'll update at least monthly (with regards to each specimen), though, and keep up with comments.
Sad to hear that not much has been going on man. Hope Adam and Adam II make progress soon.
I'll be updating again on each of the specimen's respective one month anniversaries. If there were drastic changes or amazing developments, I'd write about them immediately. As long as things continue at the pace they are, I'm going to stick to the current schedule of updating when each specimen is one month older.
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