Adam is over five months old now. He's been through many, many changes. Some of these changes have been immense and fascinating while others have been dull and hardly perceptible. I feel almost as though I've deceived everyone who reads this blog. I didn't lie about anything or embellish the truth in any way, I just haven't been writing about the major changes that Adam has undergone in the last month or so as they were happening.
Adam seems to have changed into something almost unrecognizable. Even though I can't say that this change is due to anything other than Adam's exposure to the environment and the passage of time, it is still interesting to see. What began as a liquid mixture then became a more viscous mixture, which then turned into a colloidal amalgam of semen and coagulated blood. This gooey, maroon substance has now turned into a nearly solid black gel with swirls of oil on its surface. When the surface is prodded, stiff peaks are left behind which eventually settle back into the mixture. I don't really know what any of this means, it's certainly not an indication of the presence of life, I can say that with certainty. If anything, I think this change could be attributed to a string of days that were intensely hot and extremely humid. The exposure to the moisture in the air and the subsequent drying out must have made the rate of evaporation increase, which caused the volume to decre
I wouldn't consider this a conclusive end or an end at all to Adam's development. This is just one step in a process that I do not yet understand. Adam is setting the pace for the specimen that will follow him and eventually take his place so, really, all I can hope to gain from Adam is knowledge from observation and limited interaction.
Adam II, comparatively, hasn't undergone a single visible change. What I've learned from Adam II is this: after three months, a bacteria-rich substance that is sealed and exposed regularly to light will yield nothing of interest. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm going to pack it all in and give up. It just means I'm going to keep waiting and watching while I start developing new specimen upon which I'll test numerous variables, both in terms of the contents of the substances and the environments in which they're kept. In about one month I'm going to start testing more bacteria-rich substances under various conditions because these are easier to make than something that more closely resembles Adam. I'll make three or four new specimen similar to Adam II at once. While they're developing over time, I'll start putting together another mixture that is identical in its contents to Adam and keep it in a different environment. I'm attempting to design these experiments so that I'll always have something to write about and won't have to wait very long between new developments.
Anyone who has bothered to stick with me this long, I hope that you don't feel like you've been cheated out of your time or shortchanged in any way. I realize that the results of this project as a whole thus far must seem pretty underwhelming but considering how much of a change we've already seen , who can say what will happen in the next five months?
Also, I didn't really sense a strong reaction in either direction towards the other experiment I was conducting along with this one (the fruit & bread kept in a sealed container in the dark) so I don't know if I should post updates about it here or not. I've also started keeping track of another small experiment, which is a collection of bugs that lived and died in a sealed container and have been exposed to a minimal amount of light and fresh air for nearly a month now. If there is any interest in these other two experiments, let me know and I'll write about them here in conjunction with updates about the Adam project.
Are you fucking retarded or something? Adam is just a jar of dead blood and semen, nothing more. That's why it's gone hard and darker in colour. Fuck. Seriously, it's taken a lot longer for all that shit to fully die than I'd have expected, but that's all thats happened. Adam II made up of puss and other BAD bacteria that couldn't possibly grow anything good, so of course it looks disgusting and fucking stinks.
should do one where you run electrical current through it
This is definitely not "/experiment". What seem like failures really are just successful attempts at proving a hypothesis wrong, that's all. In an experiment, you have to redesign certain elements of it until you're successful, that's just the nature of the scientific method. So, okay, we know that nothing interesting happens when the experiment is designed in the way I've done it. That's all we know, though. There are still many other things that can be changed and tested. I'll keep changing and testing these variables until my hypothesis is proven correct and, if my hypothesis isn't proven correct after testing all the variables I can imagine, then I'll be satisfied enough to end the experiment. Until then, though, I'm going to keep trying new things.
Testing the affect of electricity on a specimen isn't out of the question, I just believe that there are simpler variables to test before that one which are just as likely to yield results.
Thanks for the update, I still check every day perfunctorily and was just wondering when/if we were going to get some news :)
No matter that nothing much has happened, the fact that it hasn't is news in itself.
Keep persisting!
This is the most interesting thing I've seen in a long time.
first 2 people to write a comment here are new to this experiment. just wanted to get that out of the way
but thanks for the update man. being a reader since you first started doing this back in january. adam's development has gotten really interesting, even now when its just a solid glob of your dna. hopefully it'll settle back once the heat dies down, or maybe you could try and store it in a cooler place? also it would be nice to read about your other experiments. your bug one intrigues me. hope to hear back, and as always good luck with adam.
It's nice to know that there are people who actually seem to understand what I'm doing. More often than not, this project is just written off as an excuse to shock or do something gross, but that really isn't my intention. I just wanted to turn focus my curiosities towards one project, which I'm documenting here. I've been doing these sorts of things for many years, I just never recorded the results or focussed my efforts like I am now.
I will start posting updates about my other experiments. They aren't very interesting, especially since i haven't been discussing the results since the beginning, but I'll try to keep the posts relevant and informative.
Thanks to you all for reading, I always assume that every post will be greeted with indifference and it's reassuring to see that people are still interested in this.
If you're not familiar with it, you should read up on the Miller-Urey Experiment. It was along the same lines as what you're doing. I'm not at all suggesting you replicate the experiment, but it might give you some ideas for different variables to try.
I've read about the experiment but I've also been intentionally avoiding reading any sort of definitive text on this topic or anything about similar experiments. You could say that my ignorance makes this experiment weak and pointless but I think that my decision to approach this subject from a humanistic standpoint rather than a biological or chemical one is what makes it unique.
im so glad this experiment is still going on, i still check this site now and then hoping to hear of the growth of adam. Its vile and disgusting yet at the same time fascinating, i love it :D.
Have you aquired any further ways of looking at adam, such as a powerful macro filter for a digital camera or a replacement microscope?
I don't actually have a new microscope or anything like that yet but I'm not really overly interested in observing Adam at that level. I wouldn't know what I was looking at or what to make of it anyway, even though it would be interesting. If I ever do have access to something more powerful, I will use it. I just don't know when/if I will.
i wonder who won, the white blood cells or the sperm cells...
posting to show there's still interest
Dear... scary person
Why not do one where you add menstrual blood to your own, plus the semen, the female presence should have beneficial effects.
According to my research, when the womb's lining is shed, the unfertilized egg is dissolved within it. This means, of course, that menses is imbued with a significant amount of a female's "essence" in the same way that semen is the same for males.
Of course, as easy as it is for me to obtain semen, getting my hands on the spare lining of a uterus would be pretty difficult. It would be an interesting companion experiment to run alongside this one, but until I actually have a realistic way of obtaining samples of menses, I won't be doing anything like that.
You should eat Adam 2, he looks delicious.
i second the previous post...
Regarding your future project on bugs inside a jar, I had performed a similar activity like this one before. I would recommend you take more frequent pictures to this project, as from my experience, there is a notable change in terms of their size as they expire from starvation from I can recall to a cockroach and spider experiments.
I found the spider experiment more interesting as it would attempt to place spiderwebs along a small cylindrical test tube only to be a nuisance after a few weeks as it blocked movement.
However, it would be more interesting if you maintained focus on Adam and its development as that is far more intriguing.
i love you adam
I want you to grow old and have my babies
Try adding water. Nothing could be harmed from it. Water will make it easier to look at through a microscope.
Just keep on adding stuff until you get signs of life.
And try adding an electrical current, because most living things have them.
2nding water and current, maybe even some nutrients (otherise progress will be very slow)
this is pretty interesting.
i kept a jar of saliva, 6ml of pulped ornage juice, some bead crumbs and half a satsuma for 2 1/2 yers and I got a creature that for all intents and purposes digested food faster than me.
Updates soon, please?
This hasn't been updated in sometime. Have you figured out anything on extending your experiment or are will still sitting with the evolution of two Adams?
Hope all is going well.
So, with five months since last update. Does that mean Adam's dead? Or, Future'sFather just dissapeared off the face of the webs.
Either way it's a shame... I've been following since Jan.
I'm not dead and neither is Adam. I'm sorry I haven't kept you all up to date on this project, it just hasn't been a big part of my life for a while. Within the next week or so I'll write a complete update on all the changes that have occurred and consider starting something new.
Thanks for the continuing interest.
>>Within the next week or so I'll write a complete update on all the changes that have occurred and consider starting something new.
:[ I still hope the project is going on. It's been quite a while and I check back periodically to see if something has been posted. Again, I think a few of us still visit here just to see.
>>Within the next week or so I'll write a complete update on all the changes that have occurred and consider starting something new.
I'm looking into this periodically too. Obviously, Adam has become sentient and mobile, and has devoured it's creator.
But wouldn't that be pretty sweet?
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