Blood is rather hard to come by.
I don't think it would be wise to cut myself in order to draw blood for Adam and I hardly ever have nosebleeds.
I decided to get blood painlessly from my gums.
I brushed my teeth and cleaned my mouth thoroughly. To avoid contaminating my blood with bacteria from my saliva, I then rinsed my mouth with hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol and hot water. Once my mouth was as sterile as possible, I flossed until my gums bled and spit into the container. I didn't want to add saliva to the mixture, but I felt that it was time to give Adam some fresh blood, since the older blood had been in there for a few days.
I'm going to sleep now, with Adam by my side, and tomorrow I'll be setting up his straw ventilation system.
dont you think all those antibacterial agents will act on adam?
oh noes~
I bookmarked your page. :|
This blog makes my brain tingle.
this is getting exciting. oh and someone in your previous entry suggested that you put a female egg in it to see if it would actually grow into a humanoid or something, but you said you didnt want to. you could always try the female egg of an animal. i dont know how you'd obtain one, and i know you dont want to do it right now but give it a thought. might turn out pretty interesting haha
I don't want Adam to turn into a petri dish, so I think it's ok to put a little peroxide and alcohol into the mixture. I wanted to add some saliva anyway, just to increase the volume, so at least this way I know that it contained a sizable amount of blood and was relatively clean.
And to everyone else, thanks for showing an interest!
Your gums shouldn't bleed so easily! Maybe you should get that checked a dentist or something. D:
Good luck with your project though. I'm rooting for you, I think!
where do you keep Adam? if it's just in your room, I really think you should expose it to sunlight.
I mean, think of your blood and semen as primordial soup, so if you want to get something out of it, consider exposing Adam to sunlight, and an electric charge, or emulate the Miller-Urey experiment.
I keep Adam at my bedside. So the container is exposed to artificial light and indirect sunlight throughout the day. And I don't plan on intervening with Adam's growth (providing the mixture with an electrical charge, introducing spores, eggs, etc.) any time soon, if at all. I want his growth to be a natural process.
And my gums didn't bleed very easily. I had to hold hot water in my mouth for a while to loosen everything up and then I really had to floss with the strength of the gods to draw blood.
The love you show for your son has touched me. Here's to hoping it won't be a retard.
Can't drinking rubbing alcohol like, kill you?
Either way, good luck with Adam, and godspeed!
I didn't drink the rubbing alcohol, I just rinsed my mouth out with it, like it was mouthwash.
so have you tasted your son yet? mines still tasted like salt and batteries. all ive been adding is semen(when i get horny) and blood (whenever i slit my wrists).
just curious, would finding a woman and having a baby be alot more successful?
I understand what you are trying to do here, and I think it is quite a noble pursuit! After all, not many people experiment with genetics outside of humans or animals. Like, what would those same genes do left on their own? Very interesting, and I may one day attempt such a project myself.
I would like to suggest that you try the semen from a multitude of life forms, mixed with the cracked egg of a different animal (possibly that of a chicken or snake.) You could also include some plant matter (ie: seeds, peat, etc..) in the mixture, which would exponentially increase the probability of something completely new spawning from this jar.
Something else you could try would be to incubate a fertilized egg (of an animal) within a jar of this mixture, or to see if growing a plant strictly this mixture would produce mutations.
(If you do need to draw blood, by the way, I would suggest sterilizing your hands completely, and then running an equally sterilized dagger across your palm. Then make a fist, and a good amount of blood should run out.)
I'm bookmarking your page, and please provide reports frequently!
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