As of right now, Adam consists of the following: several teaspoons of blood & semen, one hair with its root still intact, and a bit of mucus, all inside a sealed container, which is kept between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
I supply the container with fresh blood whenever I'm able and introduce new sperm into the mixture as often as possible. In the near future, I plan to set up some sort of ventilation for Adam. The easiest method was suggested to me earlier and that would be a straw going down into the container through the cover, to give Adam fresh air without worrying about combating evaporation.
My goal is to create some sort of life from this mixture, be it simply mold. I would like even more for something more unique and alive to result from this experiment, but I realize that the likelihood of this happening is quite low.
I chose blood and semen as the base for Adam's development because I believe these materials to be the most heavily-imbued with my essence. I chose not to include waste, such as urine, feces, saliva, dead skin, and fingernails because these are all not living and are not as potent or as crucial in the life-creating process. Also, I will not include waste because those materials will introduce more bacteria than I'd like into Adam's environment.
For now, this is all that there is to the project. As always, feedback is welcome. Let me know what you think of this project and how you think I could make it better. I would also be interested in your predictions.
I hope that this has made what I'm doing a bit more clear to you all.
story very related
Adam's first words will be, "Please kill me."
But wouldn't you need a female egg to get the chromosomes needed for a living entity, though?
Pretty interesting.
Too bad it's only a story, though.
It reminds me of that European artist who cooked food in his own fat and fed it to people.
@ anonymous
I'm not really interested in creating a human.
Trust me, I'm no fool. I realize that the ingredients for creating a man are not all there.
But I figure that there's so much potential in this little jar, something living must result from it eventually.
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"& semen"
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