I feel a mite foolish. All of my suppositions about the liquids diffusing and homogenizing over the course of a few hours have been proven wrong. As you can see in the picture, all of the blood that I added yesterday seems to have pooled together at the bottom of the container. Strangely, there is enough blood to cover the entire bottom but a portion of the blood remains suspended within the mixture of older blood and semen. Also, I think that I may have been wrong about the mucus dissolving. I can't be too certain because the mixture is extremely cloudy, but it looks like my original hypothesis was correct: there still appears to be a cloud of something forming around the mucus. The globule that I'm observing is impossible to photograph because it has formed below the surface of the mixture. What I hadn't considered is that when I first added semen to the container, there was already dried blood inside it. The fresh blood apparently reacts differently to the semen than the dried blood did.
Because of this observation, I have decided not to look at Adam under a microscope yet. Right now, there are several elements (the semen, which accounts for most of the volume, the blood below the semen and the globule of mucus) within the mixture and to get an accurate picture of what is going on within the mixture, I would have to extract and look at each substance separately. Considering the fact that Adam's volume is quite low right now, it may be disruptive to his growth to take samples of each substance. So, I've decided to leave Adam alone for two days. I'm not going to add or take anything away
If anything interesting happens between now and the 27th, I'll write about it. If not, I will return on Sunday with my findings.
Wow and here I was thinking that you'd been stirring everything up once in awhile!
I've considered stirring everything together but I really don't want to destroy anything that might be forming or trying to form.
Ever think about some how causing an electric spark to some how 'zap' Adam? Might do something.
People have suggested it before and I've given it some thought. If it is something that I decide to do, I'm not going to do it yet, I'd like to see what develops without too much interference.
such suspense!
you said that the volume of Adam is still low. well, are the semen and blood added in the same amount, or is there more of one? i'm rooting for Adam and hope that something does form out of all of this. keep up the good work, and i'll make sure to check back on sunday, if not before :D
For the time being there is more semen than blood inside the container. I would say it's something like 3 parts blood and 5 parts semen, just slightly more semen than blood.
Does bile count as a waste product?
Picking up and moving the container is unintentionally stirring the mixture. I would suggest you don't apply any electricity to it. Given the situation, there is no way to predict what would be an effective application of electricity at this point.
You should consider splitting the mixture into different containers so that you can perform experiments in the future that would include a control sample. Consistency is a key to success (whatever it may be). You need step up your procedures if your serious about gathering any objective information.
I'm not trying to be a dick here, just offering you my observations.
also, long capcha is long.
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