Would adding ear wax to Adam's mixture be at all beneficial? As far as I know, ear wax does contain lipids in addition to some sort of cholesterol, but I also know that ear wax has antibacterial and anti fungal properties. So while I think there might be something in ear wax that would be good for Adam, I don't want to kill whatever may already be growing.
Since it contains lipids, that means it contains vitamins and such that could be beneficial to Adam. You could try adding a very small amount of earwax.
I figure it's worth a try.
Any fungus and all the bacteria that's in there right now will grow back eventually, if the ear wax kills it.
I think that the pros outweigh the cons.
I for one am against the earwax idea. Keep the mixture simple, my man. Might want to add some straight up water though. It's always a good catalyst.
I'm trying to only add things that come from my body.
Plus, water contains lots of microbes and chemicals that I don't really want getting mixed in with what's already there.
ah yes, more food for the bacterium and fungi spawning in your little blood puddle. i'd love to have a real biologist critique your "experimental method." it is 100% certain that the ensuing lulz would be epic.
I'm not a scientist.
Admittedly, I lack even a basic knowledge of fundamental biological and chemical principles.
So everyone who tries to make me look stupid by saying "lol this isn't science, you dont know what you're doing" is just preaching to the choir.
Perhaps you can set up more cups similiar to Adam and have Adam stand as a control. You could then try out different things with the other cups.
I would have multiple cups set up, if it were easy to fill them.
But, surprisingly, blood and semen aren't very easily extracted. At least, not painlessly.
you should get that checked out man
Hello. This is the same anonymous who left the huge comment on your other picture. I would suggest adding a very small amount AFTER you see definitive results. Also: if you can somehow manage to find pure water, that would be wonderful. Humans are largely composed of water, so it's not really cheating if you do. And hey, worst case scenario, you start over. You don't really have much to lose! (but again, I must stress you add this AFTER you are seeing a definitive amount of something forming.)
Another interesting idea might be to use the earwax as a cull for any undesirable bacteria. Lets say, that by some miracle, that actual, non bacterial life begins to form. At this point, negative bacterium would likely be setting into the mixture, and you might be able to add earwax to the mixture in order to purge your being of these negative bacteria while also greatly benefiting itself because of the nutrients.
I will now go by the name Sahaquiel, by the way.
this is so fucking awesome
dont do earwax
though, consider rigging up a circuit so you can apply a current to the mix, electricity starts life on tv, so it must work!
I dont know what voltage would be best, but id recommend not using 120v from your wall.
Shaq, do you actually know what you're talking about or are you just making guesses?
I don't know anything about science, but this is my experiment. So if I screw it up, I've only got myself to blame.
But if I start taking advice from someone who knows just as much or less than me, I'm setting myself up for failure.
At any rate, you've got some decent ideas that I'll consider.
I think once the volume of the mixture in the container begins to increase, I may put in the ear wax and be more courageous with what I add.
My main fear right now is that, if anything is forming, it's going to be very small because there's such a negligible volume in the container.
When there's more to Adam, I won't be risking as much by adding different things.
why was my comment deleted?
Well, admittedly I'm not an expert on the matter; I've simply derived possible paths for you to take given the current information being posted. I think it's safe to say that I'm pretty good with this stuff though!
Also: It's up to you wether or not you want to use my suggestions. It's your experiment after all! :P
i'm going to bump the idea of checking this through a microscope. who knows what could be happening on the microscopic level right now? even if what you see are common bacteria, it will probably excite and inspire all of us because we don't know shit about what we're doing.
and you guys should save your comments about 'epic fail' and 'not being scientific'. this is just an interesting, naive little project, if nothing else, and that's exactly why i like it.
I'm against earwax, but agree with sahaquiel's comment. If you're going to shoot yourself in the foot, do it after you grow one.
Have you thought about adding small amounts of skin? A small skin sample might also add needed blood to this unholy concoction. Although I'd advise against a simple skin scraping, since you don't seem to want waste products, and that's basically what dead skin is.
Also, have you considered the prospects of an ingrown toenail? I'd had them before, and the nail often exposes raw flesh that can be painlessly extracted. Just have to be careful to stop it before an infection grows...
Bryan always knows just what to say ;_;
I have a microscope but I really don't know how to use it and I don't know if it would be powerful enough to see what's going on with Adam.
If I take pictures of the microscope and describe it, will someone here be able to tell me whether it's good enough or not?
And about the ingrown toenail, what part are you suggestion I add from the toenail? The fleshy bit at the end or the toenail itself? Either way, whatever I add is going to be more than likely dead and I can't see how it would benefit Adam.
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